Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative Recycling Loan Fund
Product Description:
Loan fund for SMEs in the manufacturing supply chain who are looking for investment to grow and support job creation.
Are you a advanced manufacturing supply chain provider? Or a manufacturing SME innovator? The recycled AMSCI (Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative) is a fund for businesses seeking investment to increase their growth potential and support job creation.
Supporting the growth of the advanced manufacturing sector by providing loan investment to help address market failures and increase business capabilities and competitiveness.
the key features of the fund?
- Investment from £500,000, linked to job deliverables.
Can be used for Capital Expenditure, R&D, Training and other project related costs.
- Available to single SME applicants, including suppliers and innovators.
- Available England wide.
- For any manufacturing sector, not just automotive, operating anywhere in the advanced manufacturing supply chain.
Area of Expertise:
Grant, SMEs, manufacturing supply chain
- Eligible projects and deliverables must be located in England with outcomes to include the creationof new jobs and/or safeguard existing ones.
- Must be able to demonstrate that a project would be significantly delayed or not feasible withoutthe requested investment.
- Has a clear route of bringing project to market in a reasonable timescale.
- Terms and fees will apply. Maximum repayment term 5 years.
- Leicester City
- Blaby
- Charnwood
- Oadby and Wigston
- Melton
- Harborough
- Northwest Leicestershire
- Bosworth and Hinckley